Wednesday, 15 August 2007

True Life's Blog: True Life's Blog => at-Tazkirah: التذكرة

True Life's Blog: True Life's Blog => at-Tazkirah: التذكرة

More on Human emotions

People are emotional by nature, we have naturl tendencies within us, sometimes one of these tendencies over powers the other. Sometimes the good tendencies win and sometimes the bad tendencies over power us.

I keep thinking today about the selfless attitude of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam, that he used to sacrifice his own comforts to try and pplease other people. There is a case of when a bedouin came to him and started asking him for his possessions and he gave them all away including his robe etc and if when asked for more if had possessed them he would have given them away too. I quote

"The Prophet (PBUH) experienced many situations of Ithar throughout his life. He would give his own robe for people to cover with during the cold nights of Madinah. The Prophet (PBUH) said: one amongst you believes (truly) till one likes for his brother or for his neighbor that which he loves for himself." It is not the case of money, but it is all about the Ithar of souls."

We also know the stories of His companions who even at their death beds would sacrifice their needs for the other.

If everyone in this world had a selfless attitude then life would be such a bliss, but unfortunately we have to deal with the greed of others etc. We can not ever keep everyone happy in this world. We will die trying and never achieve it.

Anyways back to emotions so yes we have good and bad in us, there are qualities within us God loves such as selflessness, genereosity, compassion, caring, comfort, charity, smiling, being helpful, humble, etc, there are propensities Allah dislikes such as hatred, malice, conceit, jealosusy, pride, anger etc. However both sets of emotions are beyond our control. Eg jealosy may rear its ugly head make us want to do those things that in the end will cause our own destruction. Or we may become angry at someone and by acting it haste we may do or say something which then affects our relationship adversely with them. The point I want to make is these feelings, good and bad, we need to realise which of these are liked by Allah and then act upon them, for exapmle we may see an old lady carrying heavy bags we have a thought I should help her so its up to us then to go and offer our help. Or in the case of a negative trait we may feel like swearing at someone but then again its up to us to not let that negative quality win over us and we need to learn to keep that under control.

Yes the emotions are sometimes beyond our control,, but Yes it is under our control to act on these natural tendencies. That Person will become Beautiful who lets the positive side to him dominate the negative.

May God help us in this (ameen)

Ma salams

Human Emotions

Assalamoaleikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

I just wanted to write someting about Human emotions bases upon the feelings of what I feel today. These emotions I feel are due to the emotions of others. It sometimes seems that the life of the world is a continuous struggle with how people feel about you and the situation that they find themselves in especially as their emotions affect you.

Right now I have 2 wives Alhumdulillah, Both Beautiful Both very different. However both the wives feel jealousy and maybe even sometimes "hatred" but hatred is a strong word, however each might feel the other was not there.

I can take the case of my first wife who at first was extremely emotional about the decision I took in my life. But at the same time..with the affect of time and some due attention and comfort she has become accustomed to thse feelings and tries to take the situation positively. She tries to concentrate on my relationshiop with her making sure she does not spoil it.

On the other hand there is the case of my second wife, who now feels encroached by the first on her territory as I introduced the first one to an aspect of my life which she was away from. Now naturally there is a case of conflicting emotions. Mashallah. But these are natural. And its up to me somehow to keep both the wives under control, happy and comforted. A job which is sometimes very very very hard. But I remember something my sheikh told me a long time ago thats its never possible to keep everyone completely happy, a person will get stressed trying to. This is a mistake I have been making and now I have finally realsied my efforts will be in vain. So basicaly stick to your decisions, trust Allah and supplicate to him for the best outcomes Inshallah.

I've decided to let them try and keep me happy for a change instead of me always chasing them about lol.

Allah loves and I smile

Ma salams