Monday, 24 December 2007



One thing I have realised I have become oblivious of is death, even though I am aware it will come but do I really ponder what's going to happen to me after I die. What deed's are going to show in my book of deeds. Am I going to be told that Enter Jannah or will I be dragged to hell?

Only Allah knows and I make dua to him that he makes me do those things which will take me in to HIs mercy and have me entered to the abode of peace.

I shall inshallah post a anecote about the death of ilw Mamshad Dinari. On the occason of his death an elder who was sitting near to him was making dua for jannat. Hazrat Mumshad laughed and siad:

"For thirty years Jannat with all its adornments appeared before me, but I did not take a proper look at it even once. I yearn for the Master of Jannat.

Steps in the Path of Allah.

Once during his caliphate Hadhrat Abu Bakr Radhiallahu anho was seeing off the army which was proceeding to the land of Shaam. He accompanied the army for a very long distance. His companions said:

" O khlaifah of Rasulullah sallahu alayhi wasalam, You are walking on foot while we are riding."

He replied:

"With these steps I am seekng forgiveness for my sins. These steps of mine are in the path of Allah."

New Beginning

Assalamoaleikum, Life is a struggle but Alhumdulillah with Allahs help I am coping. Its the beginning of a new era in my life Inshallah my (second) wifes going to come and join me in the Uk with he daughter. I've had a lot of stresses wonderng how and if I could cope, But I know Allah is aware of me and everything around me. He was aware of what would happen in my life even before I knew it hence I trust Allah that he will make everything nice and perfect for me. My biggest intention right now is hoping to keep bith wives happy if there happy they will keep me happy inshallah.

Also I've decided to start using this blog space to try and post some nice Islamic stories and aricles. May Allah help me in this (Ameen)

Ma salams