When Hazrat ABubakr ra took a turn for the worst and his demise seemed imminent, he summoned Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Uthman,, some muhajireen and some ansaar. He addressed them thus:
"You are observing my deteriorating condition. It has therefore, become necessary to appoint someone to take care of your affairs after me. If you wish, you may by mutual consultation nominate a man or if you wish, I shall select a man."
They requested him to appoint a successor.
Hazrat Abubakr then instructed Hazrat Uthman to prepare a document in which Hazrat Umar was appointed the Khlifah. Hazrat Umar said: I can not bear this responisibility." Hazrat Abubakr replied : "Bring my sword. He has disobeyed the order of Rasulullahs Khalifah." He then severely reprimanded Hazrat Umar who was compelled to accet the Khalifate againt his wishes. Soon thereafter, Hazrat Talha RA entered and objected to this appointment. HAzrat ABu Bakr said:
"By Allah! Umar is the best man for you and you are the worst for him."
He then proceeded to severely rebuke Hazrat Talha and expelled him. He then ordered Hazrat Uthman to write as folows:
"This directive is being written by Abu Bakr, The Khalifah of Rasulullah Salallalahu alayhi wasalam at the juncture of his departure from the earth and the commencement of his sojourn to the akhirah. I appoint afte rme for you Umar bin Khattab as the Khalifah. If he remains the pious and just, then this is exactly what I am convinced f him (in regard to him.) If he changes, then I have to say that I lack the knowledge of the unknown. In my opinion I have done the best for you by his appointment. The burden of a sin is on the one commiting it." (He then cited the following ayah.)
"And soon witll the trangressors know the direction towards which they are turning.