he greatest understanding is Taqwa and the greatest ignorance is transgression and immorality. The greatest truth is observance of Trust and the greatest falsehood is misappropiation of trust."
"If you accept my advice then of the unseen things love death the most because it will come to you most assuredly"
"When a person becomes proud on account of some wordly adornment, Allah becomes displeased with him (and remains displeased) as long as he does not completely disassociate from tht adornment"
"The pangs of death have arrived in truth. This is it from which you flee" QURAN
Hasan Basri Rahimullah quotes :
"A man will be released after a thousand years in Jahannam (Hell). How wonderful if I could be that person"
Hadhrat Uthman Radhiallahu anho used to say:
"Worship is to safeguard the commands of Allah, to fulfill the promise made with anyone, to be contented with whateve is obtained and to be patient when things are unobtaineable."
"Worldly concern produces spiritual darkness. Concern of the akhirah produces spiritual lightness."
"The sign of piety is that one considers all others to be saved and oneself to be doomed."
"The greatest destruction is old-age accompanied by indifference to akhirah."
"The gave will be a comfort for the one for whom this world is a prison."
"If your hearts are purified, you will never tire of reciting the Quran and listening to its recitations."
"When Allah intends to do good do a bandah. (Allah's devotee). He prevents hm from engrossment in his family. (This does not mean he neglects thier rights)
"The requisite for Tawadhu (humility) is to beliver everyone else is nobler than oneself."
"When a person complained of hardness of his heart. Hadhrat Hasan said: "Attend gatherings of zikr."
"I have met such Awliya whose dislike for even halal things exceed your dislike for Haraam things"
"Tama (worldly desires) blemishes the alim."
"I swear by Allah! Allah disgraces a person who loves money."
"The world is a vehicle for you. If you drive it, it will deliver you to your destination. If it drives you, you will be destroyed."
"Abstain from being an enemy of Allah's obedient servant. Allah will never assign him to your control. If he is a sinner refrian from being his enemy because he will see the consequences of his misdeeds"
" A man who claims to love Allah but does not dislike sins, is false in his claim of love."
Fudhail Ibn AIyadh Rahmatullah alayhi Quotes:
He who acqires the Ma'rifat (knowlede of Allah) without love will be destroyed. He who acquires khauf (fear of Allah) without love, will find himslf off from Allah with terror and despondency."
"Imaan becomes perfect only when one fulfils all commands abstains from all prohibitions, is contented with the decree of taqdeerand fears the possiblity of devine rejection."
"To abstain from doing an act to show others is riya and doing an act to show others is shirk."
"If you live in a place where you see no people nor does anyone see you, then you are most fortunate."
"Of greater surprise than seeing someone laugh in jannat is to see someone laughing on earth."
"Never hope to find three persons and Alim who practices according to the degree of his knowledge, a person who has ikhlas (sincerity) according to the degree of the virtuous deed, a brother who is without fault. You will never find these three."
"Two acts corrupt the heart; sleeping much and eating much."
People asked: "WHen will friendship with Allah Ta'ala be perfect?"
Fudhail Replied: "When Allahs bestowng and witholding of bounties are equal in ones estimate."
"ALlah Ta'ala afflicts worldly worries on the slave he loves and he grants worldly comforts to the one He dislikes."
"Lanat (curse) descends on a man who professes friendhsip for a brother while his heart hits him.Such a peron may become blind and deaf."
"Once while he was sitting in a masjid, a man came and sat close to fudhail Ibn Iyadh. When Hadhrat fudhail asked his reason for sitting by him, the man replied to derive spiritual love from your heart. Fudhail Ibn Iyadh said "this is terror not love. Either you leave or I shall leave."
"Once in arafat crying and sobbing Hadhrat fudhail looked towards the sky as the sun was about to set. Holding his beard he exclaimed even if you (himslef) are forgiven, you will be a great embarassment to me."
"People! always be grateful for the bounties of Allah. Seldom has Allah Ta'ala reinstated the favours which he had snatched from people."
"Even if the entire world is bestowed to me with the assurance that no reckoning will be taken, then too I shall abhor it just as you abhor a dead animal."
"Entry in to the world is simple. Emergence from it is difficult."
" A man who desires that people listen atentively to his discourses is not a Zahid ( one who has renounced the world.)"
"When someone slanders you, know that he is more beneficial to you than a friend because he transfers his virtuous deeds to you, (by slandering you)."
Once when Hadrhrat Sufiyan Uyainah Rahmatullah ahlayhi visited Hadhrat Fudhail, He Fudhail said: " At one time you, the ulema were the lanterns of guidance for te cities. But now you are the darkness for the cities. You at one time were for people stars of guidance like the stars in the heaven by means of which people acquire their direction. Now , you have become for the world a source of confusion. You the Ulema have no shame for Allah. You visit the wealthy and accept their gifts without investigating whether halal or haram (surce.) Then you stand in the mehrab narrating the hadith."
While hadhrat fudhail was admonishing Hadhrat Sufiyan with lowered head was reciting IStighfar (Astagfirullah: seeking forgiveness from ALlah)."
Hadhra Fdhail said: "Hadhrat Luqman alayhis salam who was a Habshi (Abysinnian) slave, was the Qaadhi of Bani Israel. He acquired this rank by abstaining from futile speeches and acts, and by the truth of his tongue."
"If the ulema adot Zuhd (renouncing the world) the necks of grave oppressors will bend n submission in front of them. But, ALas! They spend thier knowledge n the affluent people of the world in exchange for worldly gain. They Uleam have therefore fallen in the estimate of people."
"one who indulges in association with people will most certainly be trapped in riya (show of deeds)."
I lament the Alim with whom the world plays. If the heart of the people of the uran and Hadith (ulema) become disenchanted with the world, people will not be able to maniplate them."
" My heart is agitated greatly when I hear than an alim or an abid went for Hajj with the money of a trader."
" If the intention for the acquisition of knowledge of Allah is correct, then there is no superior act than the acquisition of knowledge. But generally the intention of pursuing knowledge is not amal (righteous deeds.)
Hadhrat Uthman Radhiallahu anho used to say:
"Worship is to safeguard the commands of Allah, to fulfill the promise made with anyone, to be contented with whateve is obtained and to be patient when things are unobtaineable."
"Worldly concern produces spiritual darkness. Concern of the akhirah produces spiritual lightness."
"The sign of piety is that one considers all others to be saved and oneself to be doomed."
"The greatest destruction is old-age accompanied by indifference to akhirah."
"The gave will be a comfort for the one for whom this world is a prison."
"If your hearts are purified, you will never tire of reciting the Quran and listening to its recitations." recitations."
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