Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Hazrat Umars appointment as Caliph

After the demise of HAdhrat Abubakr Radhiallahu anho, the new khalifa Hazrat Umar Radhiallahu anhum assumed the reigns of the caliphate by the appointment of his predecessor. The reigns of both the worldly and spiritual leadership came in to his hands. His appointment as Khaliph is indeed an ."interesting episode:

When Hazrat ABubakr ra took a turn for the worst and his demise seemed imminent, he summoned Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Uthman,, some muhajireen and some ansaar. He addressed them thus:

"You are observing my deteriorating condition. It has therefore, become necessary to appoint someone to take care of your affairs after me. If you wish, you may by mutual consultation nominate a man or if you wish, I shall select a man."

They requested him to appoint a successor.

Hazrat Abubakr then instructed Hazrat Uthman to prepare a document in which Hazrat Umar was appointed the Khlifah. Hazrat Umar said: I can not bear this responisibility." Hazrat Abubakr replied : "Bring my sword. He has disobeyed the order of Rasulullahs Khalifah." He then severely reprimanded Hazrat Umar who was compelled to accet the Khalifate againt his wishes. Soon thereafter, Hazrat Talha RA entered and objected to this appointment. HAzrat ABu Bakr said:

"By Allah! Umar is the best man for you and you are the worst for him."

He then proceeded to severely rebuke Hazrat Talha and expelled him. He then ordered Hazrat Uthman to write as folows:

"This directive is being written by Abu Bakr, The Khalifah of Rasulullah Salallalahu alayhi wasalam at the juncture of his departure from the earth and the commencement of his sojourn to the akhirah. I appoint afte rme for you Umar bin Khattab as the Khalifah. If he remains the pious and just, then this is exactly what I am convinced f him (in regard to him.) If he changes, then I have to say that I lack the knowledge of the unknown. In my opinion I have done the best for you by his appointment. The burden of a sin is on the one commiting it." (He then cited the following ayah.)

"And soon witll the trangressors know the direction towards which they are turning.
Commenting on the saying of Masters of Tasawwuf that looking back at the past sins (intentionally) is a veil from remembrance of Allah SWT, Hazrat Hakeemul Ummat Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi ra said:

“This saying is in regards to those individuals who have eliminated their gaflah (forgetfulness) and are engrossed in Allah SWT(‘s path).
Abubakr siddique Radhiallaho Anho quotes:

he greatest understanding is Taqwa and the greatest ignorance is transgression and immorality. The greatest truth is observance of Trust and the greatest falsehood is misappropiation of trust."

"If you accept my advice then of the unseen things love death the most because it will come to you most assuredly"

"When a person becomes proud on account of some wordly adornment, Allah becomes displeased with him (and remains displeased) as long as he does not completely disassociate from tht adornment"

"The pangs of death have arrived in truth. This is it from which you flee" QURAN

Hasan Basri Rahimullah quotes :

"A man will be released after a thousand years in Jahannam (Hell). How wonderful if I could be that person"

Hadhrat Uthman Radhiallahu anho used to say:

"Worship is to safeguard the commands of Allah, to fulfill the promise made with anyone, to be contented with whateve is obtained and to be patient when things are unobtaineable."

"Worldly concern produces spiritual darkness. Concern of the akhirah produces spiritual lightness."

"The sign of piety is that one considers all others to be saved and oneself to be doomed."

"The greatest destruction is old-age accompanied by indifference to akhirah."

"The gave will be a comfort for the one for whom this world is a prison."

"If your hearts are purified, you will never tire of reciting the Quran and listening to its recitations."

"When Allah intends to do good do a bandah. (Allah's devotee). He prevents hm from engrossment in his family. (This does not mean he neglects thier rights)

"The requisite for Tawadhu (humility) is to beliver everyone else is nobler than oneself."

"When a person complained of hardness of his heart. Hadhrat Hasan said: "Attend gatherings of zikr."

"I have met such Awliya whose dislike for even halal things exceed your dislike for Haraam things"

"Tama (worldly desires) blemishes the alim."

"I swear by Allah! Allah disgraces a person who loves money."

"The world is a vehicle for you. If you drive it, it will deliver you to your destination. If it drives you, you will be destroyed."

"Abstain from being an enemy of Allah's obedient servant. Allah will never assign him to your control. If he is a sinner refrian from being his enemy because he will see the consequences of his misdeeds"

" A man who claims to love Allah but does not dislike sins, is false in his claim of love."

Fudhail Ibn AIyadh Rahmatullah alayhi Quotes:

He who acqires the Ma'rifat (knowlede of Allah) without love will be destroyed. He who acquires khauf (fear of Allah) without love, will find himslf off from Allah with terror and despondency."

"Imaan becomes perfect only when one fulfils all commands abstains from all prohibitions, is contented with the decree of taqdeerand fears the possiblity of devine rejection."

"To abstain from doing an act to show others is riya and doing an act to show others is shirk."

"If you live in a place where you see no people nor does anyone see you, then you are most fortunate."

"Of greater surprise than seeing someone laugh in jannat is to see someone laughing on earth."

"Never hope to find three persons and Alim who practices according to the degree of his knowledge, a person who has ikhlas (sincerity) according to the degree of the virtuous deed, a brother who is without fault. You will never find these three."

"Two acts corrupt the heart; sleeping much and eating much."

People asked: "WHen will friendship with Allah Ta'ala be perfect?"
Fudhail Replied: "When Allahs bestowng and witholding of bounties are equal in ones estimate."

"ALlah Ta'ala afflicts worldly worries on the slave he loves and he grants worldly comforts to the one He dislikes."

"Lanat (curse) descends on a man who professes friendhsip for a brother while his heart hits him.Such a peron may become blind and deaf."

"Once while he was sitting in a masjid, a man came and sat close to fudhail Ibn Iyadh. When Hadhrat fudhail asked his reason for sitting by him, the man replied to derive spiritual love from your heart. Fudhail Ibn Iyadh said "this is terror not love. Either you leave or I shall leave."

"Once in arafat crying and sobbing Hadhrat fudhail looked towards the sky as the sun was about to set. Holding his beard he exclaimed even if you (himslef) are forgiven, you will be a great embarassment to me."

"People! always be grateful for the bounties of Allah. Seldom has Allah Ta'ala reinstated the favours which he had snatched from people."

"Even if the entire world is bestowed to me with the assurance that no reckoning will be taken, then too I shall abhor it just as you abhor a dead animal."

"Entry in to the world is simple. Emergence from it is difficult."

" A man who desires that people listen atentively to his discourses is not a Zahid ( one who has renounced the world.)"

"When someone slanders you, know that he is more beneficial to you than a friend because he transfers his virtuous deeds to you, (by slandering you)."

Once when Hadrhrat Sufiyan Uyainah Rahmatullah ahlayhi visited Hadhrat Fudhail, He Fudhail said: " At one time you, the ulema were the lanterns of guidance for te cities. But now you are the darkness for the cities. You at one time were for people stars of guidance like the stars in the heaven by means of which people acquire their direction. Now , you have become for the world a source of confusion. You the Ulema have no shame for Allah. You visit the wealthy and accept their gifts without investigating whether halal or haram (surce.) Then you stand in the mehrab narrating the hadith."

While hadhrat fudhail was admonishing Hadhrat Sufiyan with lowered head was reciting IStighfar (Astagfirullah: seeking forgiveness from ALlah)."

Hadhra Fdhail said: "Hadhrat Luqman alayhis salam who was a Habshi (Abysinnian) slave, was the Qaadhi of Bani Israel. He acquired this rank by abstaining from futile speeches and acts, and by the truth of his tongue."

"If the ulema adot Zuhd (renouncing the world) the necks of grave oppressors will bend n submission in front of them. But, ALas! They spend thier knowledge n the affluent people of the world in exchange for worldly gain. They Uleam have therefore fallen in the estimate of people."

"one who indulges in association with people will most certainly be trapped in riya (show of deeds)."

I lament the Alim with whom the world plays. If the heart of the people of the uran and Hadith (ulema) become disenchanted with the world, people will not be able to maniplate them."

" My heart is agitated greatly when I hear than an alim or an abid went for Hajj with the money of a trader."

" If the intention for the acquisition of knowledge of Allah is correct, then there is no superior act than the acquisition of knowledge. But generally the intention of pursuing knowledge is not amal (righteous deeds.)

Hadhrat Uthman Radhiallahu anho used to say:

"Worship is to safeguard the commands of Allah, to fulfill the promise made with anyone, to be contented with whateve is obtained and to be patient when things are unobtaineable."

"Worldly concern produces spiritual darkness. Concern of the akhirah produces spiritual lightness."

"The sign of piety is that one considers all others to be saved and oneself to be doomed."

"The greatest destruction is old-age accompanied by indifference to akhirah."

"The gave will be a comfort for the one for whom this world is a prison."

"If your hearts are purified, you will never tire of reciting the Quran and listening to its recitations." recitations."

Hadhrat Uthman Radhiallahu anho used to say:

Hadhrat Uthman Radhiallahu anho used to say:

"Worship is to safeguard the commands of Allah, to fulfill the promise made with anyone, to be contented with whateve is obtained and to be patient when things are unobtaineable."

"Worldly concern produces spiritual darkness. Concern of the akhirah produces spiritual lightness."

"The sign of piety is that one considers all others to be saved and oneself to be doomed."

"The greatest destruction is old-age accompanied by indifference to akhirah."

"The gave will be a comfort for the one for whom this world is a prison."

"If your hearts are purified, you will never tire of reciting the Quran and listening to its recitations."

Hadhrat Uthmans Slave twists his ear.

Once Hadhrat Uthman Radhhiallahu anho said to his slave:

I had twisted your ear. I want you to exact some compensation."

The slave then twisted Hadhrat Uthmans ear. Thereupon Hadhrat Uthman said:

Twist it strongly. The compensation exacted here on earth is best. After such compensation, there is no apprehension in the akhirah. (hereafter.)"


Salams today I have a dilemma my wife wants to go to the cinema with her daugher.. Obviously its islamically haraam but at the same time her daughters not a born muslim and shes nine years old.

If she ass me permisson I should say noy but what to do refusing upsets them?

Hazrat Umar whips his Son.

Once Hadrat Umars Son Radhiallahu Anhum donning beautiful dress came to him. Hadhrat Umar RA struck him with his whip and the boy cried. When Hazrat Hafsa Radhiallahu Anha asked the reason for beating him, Hadhrat Umar said:

"He was proud of himself. I desored him to understand that his nafs is conte

Hadrat Umar and the intoxcated man

Once when he saw an intoxicated man, he desired to punish him, but the man insulted him. Thereupon Hadhrat Umar came away. When he was asked for the reason for allowing the man to go free inspite of the insults. he said:

"His insults angered me. If I had punished him, my nafs too would have had its share therein. I do not approve of punishing any muslim for the sake of the desires of my nafs."

Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Hadhrat Umar Farooq Radhiallahu anho. "Anecdotes"

Hadhrat Umars constand and abundant crying formed 2 dark stripes down his cheeks. He would cry so much in salaat for the fear of Allah, that his sobbing could be heard by three rows of musalis (followers of the imam in salat). At tmes while engaged in tilawat of the Holy Quran he would cry so profusely that his breathing would become difficult. Sometimes he would fall down. Sometimes he would lament:

"I wish I was a goat which could be slaughtered and eaten."

Sometimes he would hold in his a blade of grass and sigh "I wish I was this grass."

Sometimes he said," I wish my mother had not given birth to me."
He would say to people:
"better then your life in the Akhirat (hereafter) be suffering is tha your worldly life suffers."

In the beinning there was a considerable harshness in him. Precisely for this reason people did people void coming ot of their homes in the initial period of his khalifat. Observing this he delivered a lengthy khutbah inwhich he said:

"People! I was hard until there was among you there was kind and beneficient men such as Rasulullah Salallahu alayhi wasalam and Abubakr Radhiallahu anho. The combination of my hardness and thier softness has brought about moderation. But, now I shall not be harsh on you. My hardness will be for only the oppressors, O people! If I oppose the sunnat of the Prophet of Allah and the way of ABu Bakr what will you do?"

After he posed this question several times, a man stood up brandishing a sword and indicated with it that he would sever his (umar's) neck. The audacity did not anger him in the least. On the contrary , this answer pleased him .

When he journeyed to the land of shaam he was clad in worn out garments which had a number of patches. It was said to him that high ranking priests of the Yahood (jews) and Nasara (christians) would be visiting him. What will they think of the muslims leader clad so shabberly? Hadhrat Umar Responded:

" We are a people whom Allah elevated by means of Islam. "
In other words honour and respect are not by means of garments.

Inspite of him having been gven the glad tidings of Jannah, the degree of his fear was overwhelming. And, despite his piety and so much fear for Allah he would ask Hadhrat Hudhaifah Radhaiallahu anho whether Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasalam had not perhaps mentioned his name too in the list of munafiqeen (hyporcrites) whose name Rasulluallah saw had revealed to Hadhrat Huzaifah ra.

Abu Bakr on Mans Lowly Origin.

Hadhrat Anas Radhiallahu narrates that sometimes when Hadhrat Abu Bakr RA would speak of mans creation during his khutbah, he would say man emerged twice from the place of najasat (impurity): Once from the fathers private organ (in the form of a sperm drop) and once from hs mothers private organ (at birth). This reminder of the reality of mans lowly origin would exercise a profound effect on the audience. Realising thier lowly origin, people would truly understand their insignificance.

In fact, they felt themselves to be physically and spiritually impure and contaminated.

When Abu BAkr Was Praised:

When HAdhrat Abu Bakr (May ALlah be pleased with Him) was praised, he would say:

"O Allah! You know my condition better than me and I know my condition more than these people who are praising me. O Allah! Make me better than what they are thinking of me and forgive my evil of which they are not aware. Do Not apprehend me on wha they are saying."

Abu Bakr's and His son in BADR

n the narrations of Ibn SIreen in which it appears that Abdur Rehman the son of Abu Bakr, who had not yet embraced Islam joined the non muslims on the Battle of Badr. One day after he had embraced Islam he said to his father:

"In Badr you were in my line of action. However being my father, I turned away from you."

i.e he was in a position to slay his father, he did not do so due to parental consideration.

Hadhrat Abubakr replied:

"If you had come in front of me, I would not have hesitated to slay you".

Monday, 24 December 2007



One thing I have realised I have become oblivious of is death, even though I am aware it will come but do I really ponder what's going to happen to me after I die. What deed's are going to show in my book of deeds. Am I going to be told that Enter Jannah or will I be dragged to hell?

Only Allah knows and I make dua to him that he makes me do those things which will take me in to HIs mercy and have me entered to the abode of peace.

I shall inshallah post a anecote about the death of ilw Mamshad Dinari. On the occason of his death an elder who was sitting near to him was making dua for jannat. Hazrat Mumshad laughed and siad:

"For thirty years Jannat with all its adornments appeared before me, but I did not take a proper look at it even once. I yearn for the Master of Jannat.

Steps in the Path of Allah.

Once during his caliphate Hadhrat Abu Bakr Radhiallahu anho was seeing off the army which was proceeding to the land of Shaam. He accompanied the army for a very long distance. His companions said:

" O khlaifah of Rasulullah sallahu alayhi wasalam, You are walking on foot while we are riding."

He replied:

"With these steps I am seekng forgiveness for my sins. These steps of mine are in the path of Allah."

New Beginning

Assalamoaleikum, Life is a struggle but Alhumdulillah with Allahs help I am coping. Its the beginning of a new era in my life Inshallah my (second) wifes going to come and join me in the Uk with he daughter. I've had a lot of stresses wonderng how and if I could cope, But I know Allah is aware of me and everything around me. He was aware of what would happen in my life even before I knew it hence I trust Allah that he will make everything nice and perfect for me. My biggest intention right now is hoping to keep bith wives happy if there happy they will keep me happy inshallah.

Also I've decided to start using this blog space to try and post some nice Islamic stories and aricles. May Allah help me in this (Ameen)

Ma salams